Avatar 3 is an upcoming movie that is part of the Avatar film series directed by James Cameron. It serves as a sequel to Avatar (2009) and Avatar 2 (to be released). The film is set in the fantastical world of Pandora and continues the story of the Na'vi people and their struggle against human exploitation.
Avatar 3 is expected to further explore the themes of environmentalism, cultural clash, and the connection between humans and the natural world. It will continue to showcase groundbreaking visual effects and immerse the audience in Pandora's visually stunning and vibrant world.
As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, specific plot details and the release date for Avatar 3 have yet to be publicly announced. However, it is anticipated to continue the epic sci-fi narrative established by its predecessors and provide a captivating cinematic experience. Please note that release dates and details may have been updated since then, so it's advisable to check for the latest information from official sources and announcements.